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On 02/25/2011 08:22 PM, Jeff Chimene wrote:
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Marc Paré<>  wrote:

Le 2011-02-25 18:23, Jeff Chimene a écrit :

   From SCALE
The booth is outfitted. I don't have pictures, but I'm sure Drew will have
some before too long.

We are in booth #4, at the front of the room. EFF has the pole position
(booth #1)

The SCALE volunteers are top-notch, incredibly helpful and very dedicated
making this a success.


On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 3:30 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions<>   wrote:

Thanks for reporting back to both Drew and Jeff. Great to hear that you are
meeting interested people as well as their reactions to the project. Most
interesting reflection on the Hispanic support. We definitely need to
address this back on the lists and supporting materials.

Have a great weekend and keep reporting back.

BTW ... I know some people would have wondered and I will ask ... have you
seen the OOo booth and are they busy? I wonder if they are allowed to mingle
with the LibreOffice crowd?

Oracle is here, but I haven't seen any folks yet. I haven't seen a OOo


I doubt that Oracle will do any real promotion of OOo and get all the flack about them loosing the Linux distribution in their version of a repository. They lost a lot of press over their product and promoting it the Linux community as a free product line is a waste of their money needed to market their other products. Since LibreOffice is all volunteers and do not have any other product line to deal with, we do not have to weigh the marketing money between product lines. I would love to be there and hear the all the people who want to know why Oracle lost their market share for this free line of software. I would love to hear all the answers. I just know that Oracle will try to tell the folks that they have been in the business for 10 years on this product line and no new company can do the job better. Except, the press tell us we do have a better product. Let see what happens.

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