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On 02/20/2011 10:07 PM, drew wrote:
On Sun, 2011-02-20 at 21:49 -0500, Marc Paré wrote:
Hi Drew:

Le 2011-02-20 15:48, drew a écrit :
You can see it here:

Now - I haven't wondered over to the design list yet...*shy look*..I
will today.

First - what do you guys think?


Well I'm bad
Did not see the "theme" design correctly.
The easiest way was for me to modify the logo.png file
to include the red letters.  The folder is also called "community"
instead of "tdf".

OK - well step two - find two people that will take responsibility for
the package, processes without commitment will mean little.

Best wishes,

I have some work to do on other stuff for the next while.
So everything I have done is online at this time.

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