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Hi Tim,

Sorry - I thought the last email was to you direct - leaving this for he

On Sun, 2011-02-20 at 21:22 -0500, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
You might want to look at the work as it is now.

The Gallery and Artwork page - just updated

The Info page - the first page
Yes much better on the contact information in particular.

The module pages "read more" goes to this style of pages.

Alright - those screen shots are still in German IIRC - I haven't
updated them yet - maybe someone reading this wants to offer to do so,
just one shot per module, look at that page, make the shot the same size
and of course with the latest LibO RC2 icons ;-/

One item that needs looking at - licensing on the material you are
adding - if the disc image is just for your personal use that is not a
very large issue, because the disc branding would need to reflect it
being a personal disc 

- if however this is becomes a more formal community disc, then the
licensing is something that needs to be checked and accounted. Not
saying there is any reason to stop just now, but it is something that
will need reviewing at some point here.

Other wise - this is really starting to take some shape...keep up the
good work, what else can I say.



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