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On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Marc Paré <> wrote:
Le 2011-02-15 20:51, drew a écrit :
On Mon, 2011-02-14 at 12:24 -0500, drew wrote:
As for the kit - Marc keep working on the page - and the rest of us
keep feeding it new items..

Another idea - this is a generic 5" x 3.33" Postal code format, a re-mix
of some of the content from the tri-fold brochure, same look and feel.

A pdf is on the wiki:

The odg, odt files are in this archive (which for some reason the wiki
just won't take right now, though it should)

I'm not really thinking of having these printed but the 50 cards that I
mentioned in the last email have no content on the reverse side, so will
look at adding the content from this back page to them.

This is a first draft, so have at it if you see anything that could be



Nice. I've reworked it all as centred to see if it would be more pleasing to
the eye. To do this I had to cut out some words that were not essential as
well as move some to make the overall "shape" of paragraphs more spherical.

You can have a look here:

Are we now using the LibreOffice Logo with the TDF? I would prefer this one
(with the TDF) one appearing on the card. I think we should still promote
the TDF at this early point of the game.



The document (logo page) doesn't look right. pdf attached.


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