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On 02/14/2011 09:38 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-02-14 11:20, Carl Symons a écrit :
On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Jeff Chimene<>  wrote:
On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 8:21 PM, Marc Paré<>  wrote:

Le 2011-02-13 20:57, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions a écrit :

Please review the marketing list archives on this topic. I've ordered
banners on 10oz, vinyl. One banner is 5' x 2.5' . The other is 35" x
The banner images are available on the wiki in PDF and SVG format  the
contemporary logo. They will be ready for the SCALE event later this
and available for subsequent events.

We've already put a request in for the SCALE materials (especially
banners) to come to LinuxFest Northwest in Bellingham, WA, April 30&
May 1. I'd be happy to forward them on.


I imagine the SCALE people will want the materials back, unless these
are kept in circulation to those who will make use of them.

Hi Marc:

The intention is that the materials circulate in the US region. There is
at least one event in the US region between SCALE and LFNW as shown on
the marketing wiki, and I'm planning on attending. I'll follow-up with
the conference organizers to later in the month about that event.

I am just curious if there will be any income generated at the booth to
help create your own kit? If there were a donation box put on the table
this may generate enough to purchase some or all of the material.

I believe the intention is to create a conference kit that ships to US
regional events. The banners are in that kit.


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