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I was wondering why this email was on the marketing list.
Thanks for clearing this up.

I no longer take any new clients for my computer support service,
since my last stroke [my third one] and the face that I do not drive
much anymore.  I was ordered by several doctors to stop working
in this type of high stress work.

It would be nice to get a list of people who will be willing to take
on the in-office and over-the-phone support for LibreOffice, instead
of using a list or forum.  The more people in the industry that will
offer this type of personal and local support to the LibreOffice users,
the more businesses may start using it.

It would also help when the document writers get caught up with
creating LibreOffice documentation for the various package
modules, like Writer Guide, Calc Guide, Impress Guide, Draw Guide
Math/Formula Guide, and a Base Guide.  It does not look well for
LO if a person has to use OOo's documentation.  They might just
decide to use OOo instead of LO.

By-the-way.  It looks like there is less and less emails on the OOo
user's email list in the last few weeks.  Whether that is good or bad,
I do not know.  Hopefully it is reduced since these users are going
over to LibreOffice.

On 02/14/2011 03:05 PM, drew wrote:
On Mon, 2011-02-14 at 14:41 -0500, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
Hi Peter.

What do you use MS Office suite for?  What version do you use?

...  That is what I tell my clients I support
in Central New York State.

Hi Tim

- change of subject line

So, if I where asked about this and the Business looking for the change
advice where in NY state - how should I, should I at all, would you want
me to, direct them to you - or to anyone.

Yes - it is the old question of the consultants list, sort of..

So not leaving the question directed to Tim here - as the Linux show
circuit begins this is an opportunity to collect names of people that
actually support LibreOffice (meaning likely those that have been
supporting, in the field.

First - we need to be willing to ask about this as we meet people at
these shows. Are you in the business? Are you connected with us?

If yes and no, then how can we fix that.

One way is to give them some reason to be connected.

So - what could be put together quickly, a few weeks or a month.

A wiki page perhaps?

How would we vet the entries or would we?

Just some thoughts, questions.

Thanks again


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