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Marc Paré wrote:

I myself am not in favour of posting these on our wiki pages as,
although they do mention LibreOffice they also mention other projects
that have no relationship with LibreOffice. I am in favour of providing
some text that could be used in formulating invitations to join our
membership, but as far as the personal aspect of inviting people that
one knows, this should really be left to the individual sender to create.
I agree.

This would be different, of course, if we were on a marketing campaign.
In this case I would be interested in seeing different mock-ups of
possible text. But this would be done in conjunction with a marketing
team tasked with such a particular project, with Italo's supervision.
We might plan such a campaign once the stable version will be out and we 
will have collected enough feedback from the users.
Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
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