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On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 11:02 PM, Michel Gagnon <> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I think I am the sole member of Québec so far. My mother tongue is French
and I generally work in French using French-language software, but I agree
with what has been said so far: a single North-American list serves us much
better than many regional lists.

Contrary to many others, I am neither a programmer nor an IT technician. I
am a power user and support my colleagues at the office (with outside help
for difficult problems) and at home.
I have had an interest in OpenOffice for a long time, but basically,
OpenOffice 1 and 2 had a major bug which made it almost non-usable for me:
the "space before" a paragraph appeared even when said paragraph was at the
top of the page.

At the moment, I use both Microsoft Office 2003 and OpenOffice 3.2 and I
try to use either one when they are most suitable. I prefer Writer for long
documents with variables and complex stylesheets, but Word for short
documents or those that need to be typeset. I feel equally at ease with Calc
and Excel, but I have yet to do anything decent with Impress. Often, I have
to say that I must use Microsoft products because that's what our customers
need. If I post a Word or Excel document on our company website, our clients
consider it worthy; it I post a Writer or Calc document, they all complain
about that "unreadable document". Some of our clients do not have enough
computer literacy to install OpenOffice, the others don't have the
permissions to do so; therefore it is Microsoft or PDF documents! As an
engineer, a good part of my work load is spent writing technical and other
support documents as well as presentation files that my colleagues use when
they train our customers.

I have to say that my input time is limited. I am torn between this new
product (still beta), the fairly reliable OOo 3.2 (and, alas, the needed
Microsoft Office). I definitely have ideas about what is needed to make the
LibreOffice interface more user-friendly and I could provide some input on
French translations, but I have a limited amount of time.

Michel Gagnon
Montréal (Québec, Canada) --

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Welcome to the list.  It is nice to finally start getting some more people
involved.  I hope to finally have some time to set down and start on some
ideas, if you have any just send us an email and we will see what we can do.

James Walker

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