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Tidigare idag offentliggjorde The Document Foundation releasen av LibreOffice
4.3. Se det officiella meddelandet nedan.
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Från: *Italo Vignoli* <italo@documentfoundation.org>
Datum: onsdag 30 juli 2014
Ämne: [tdf-announce] LibreOffice 4.3: today, you can't own a better office
Till: announce@documentfoundation.org
- Better OOXML interoperability, and support of legacy Mac file formats
- Better comment management, and highly intuitive spreadsheet handling
- 3D models in Impress, and support for "monster" paragraphs
Berlin, July 30, 2014 - The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice
4.3, the 8th major release of the free office suite since the birth of
the project in September 2010. The application includes the combined
effort of thousands of volunteers and hundreds of developers, and has
reached a point of maturity that makes it suitable for every kind of
deployment, if backed by value added services by the growing LibreOffice
LibreOffice 4.3 offers a large number of improvements and new features,
- Document interoperability: support of OOXML Strict, OOXML graphics
improvements (DrawingML, theme fonts, preservation of drawing styles and
attributes), embedding OOXML files inside another OOXML file, support of
30 new Excel formulas, support of MS Works spreadsheets and databases,
and Mac legacy file formats such as ClarisWorks, ClarisResolve,
MacWorks, SuperPaint, and more.
- Comment management: comments can now be printed in the document
margin, formatted in a better way, and imported and exported - including
nested comments - in ODF, DOC, OOXML and RTF documents, for improved
productivity and better collaboration.
- Intuitive spreadsheet handling: Calc now allows the performing of
several tasks more intuitively, thanks to the smarter highlighting of
formulas in cells, the display of the number of selected rows and
columns in the status bar, the ability to start editing a cell with the
content of the cell above it, and being able to fully select text
conversion models by the user.
- 3D models in Impress: support of animated 3D models in the new open
glTF format, plus initial support for Collada and kmz files that are
found in Google Warehouse, in order to add a fresh new look and
animations to keynotes (support of this feature is currently on Windows
and Linux versions only).
LibreOffice 4.3 also support “monster” paragraphs exceeding 65,000
characters (an example of an 11 years old bug solved thanks to the
modernization of the OOo source code, which is an exclusive function of
LibreOffice). In addition, the accessibility technology on Windows has
become a standard feature, thanks to the improvements based on IBM's
IAccessible2 framework.
The entire list of new features and improvements of LibreOffice 4.3 is
here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/4.3.
“The LibreOffice project shows that a large free software community can
live and thrive without the patronage of a software vendor, to liberate
PC desktops”, says Thorsten Behrens, Chairman of The Document
Foundation. “Today, you can't own a better office suite than
LibreOffice, in term of features, interoperability, support for document
standards and independence. After many years, LibreOffice brings the
control of the PC desktop back into the hands of the users".
According to the Coverity Scan service, joined by LibreOffice in October
2012, the quality of LibreOffice source code has improved dramatically
during the last two years, with a reduction of the defect density per
1,000 lines of code from an above the average 1.11 to an industry
leading 0.08 (for more information:
People interested in technical details about the release can access the
change logs here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/4.3.0/RC1
(fixed in RC1), here:
https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/4.3.0/RC2 (fixed in RC2),
here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/4.3.0/RC3 (fixed in
RC3) and here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/4.3.0/RC4
(fixed in RC4).
Download LibreOffice
LibreOffice 4.3 and LibreOffice 4.2.6 are available for download from
the following link: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/. Extensions and
templates to supplement the installation of the software and add
specific features can be found here: http://extensions.libreoffice.org/.
LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can
support The Document Foundation with a donation at
http://donate.libreoffice.org. Money collected will be used to enhance
the project both at global and local level.
Short link to TDF blog: http://wp.me/p1byPE-uX.
About The Document Foundation (TDF)
The Document Foundation is an independent, self-governing and
meritocratic organization, based on Free Software ethos and incorporated
in Germany as a not for profit entity. TDF is focused on the development
of LibreOffice - the best free office suite ever - chosen by the global
community as the legitimate heir of OOo, and as such adopted by a
growing number of public administrations, enterprises and SMBs for
desktop productivity.
TDF is accessible to individuals and organizations who agree with its
core values and contribute to its activities. At the end of June 2014,
the foundation has over 200 members and well over 3,000 volunteer
contributors worldwide.
Media Contacts: https://www.documentfoundation.org/contact/.
Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
mob IT +39.348.5653829 - mob EU +39.392.7481795
sip italo@libreoffice.org <javascript:;> - skype italovignoli
hangout / jabber italo.vignoli@gmail.com <javascript:;>
email italo@documentfoundation.org <javascript:;>
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- [sv-users] Fwd: [tdf-announce] LibreOffice 4.3: today, you can't own a better office suite · Niklas Johansson
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