Olá pessoal!
Segue os resultados nosso resultados com o trabalho que fizemos até
então no Math!
É algo muito gratificante! E isto serve como chamado a novos devs da
lista com vontade de ajudar :)
Até mais!
-------- Mensagem original --------
Assunto: Re: Magenta forgotten in formula editor color selection
Data: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 19:16:31 +0200
De: Gerry T. <gerry.treppel@googlemail.com>
Para: Marcos Souza <marcos.souza.org@gmail.com>
Dear Marcos,
thanks a lot! It is so good to see improvements in Math, which had been
neglected for so many years.
Am 18.09.2013 12:31, schrieb Marcos Souza:
Hi Gerry,
this is fixed in master right now :)
Thanks again!
Em 09/17/2013 06:26 PM, Gerry T. escreveu:
Dear Marcos,
thanks for working on the formula editor. I have just seen your
screenshot in the wiki:
I just wanted to ask you whether you have forgotten the color
"magenta"? Magenta also works in the formula editor, so I think it
should be added to the list of colors in the side bar.
Thanks a lot!
Best greetings,
P.S. Do you actually know this bug here about custom colours in Math?
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