Dag mensen,
Was een vraag aan het typen en ben er toevallig al achter gekomen. Maar
als referentie lijkt onderstaande me toch wel handig...
" looking for specific string
The text 'Header' is on one of the Tab labels of the Writer > Format >
Page dialog. I want to change the translation from 'Kop' to 'Koptekst'.
The keyID UI does not show a keyID for that label.
It does shows keyIDs on that tab page - e.g. VNYzK for "Header on"
So I can find that in pootle:
file: svx/uiconfig/ui.po
Context: headfootformatpage.ui checkHeaderOn label string.text
Opmerkingen: VNYzK
And I find that in /share/config/soffice.cfg/svx/ui/headfootformatpage.ui
However grepping for the translated string
/config/soffice.cfg$ grep -i -r 'kop' *
Only points to the nl.zip packages in that tree ..
Doing random search for Header in pootle ... and reading brings me to
File: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui.po
Context: templatedialog8.ui header label string.text
Opmerkingen: E84EM
Could that be the one??
Ah yes, that contains 'Header' and the corresponding file in
contains 'Kop'.
Changing and restarting LibreOffice shows the result.
So the only question remaining: why is there no keyID on the labels of
tab pages :)
Random search in Pootle for Header is not so convenient..
De laatste vraag stuur ik wel naar de 10n lijst uiteraard.
vr groet,
- Cor Nouws
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- [nl-discuss] specifieke tekst zoeken in Pootle / UI · Cor Nouws
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