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Je had natuurlijk altijd de SmART extensie al. Die heb ik weleens te vergeefs onder de LibreOffice 
extensies gezocht. Maar hij was wel te vinden bij AOO. Geen wonder - als ik me niet vergis - want 
hij was erg afhankelijk van java. Dat probleem is blijkbaar opgelost want de extensie is nu bij LO 
te downloaden en geen woord over java . 
Deze "automation" feature lijkt me beperkter dan "SmART" maar wel erg efficient en slim. Mooi werk!

Op zondag 1 december 2013 09:48:32 schreef Luc Castermans:

hello, hebben jullie dit gezien. Lijkt mooi stukje werk!



-------- Origineel bericht --------
Onderwerp:    New feature in LibreOffice Draw can automate diagrams in Seconds
Datum:        Sun, 01 Dec 2013 02:12:04 +0100
Van:  - <>

We have created a video showing a new cool feature, never seen before,
that allow LibreOffice Draw to automate complex diagrams in seconds. The
video is a feature demo, and it need coding, so people willing to create
an add-on or the code to implement this feature in Draw, are really welcome.
The feature allows you to create extremely complex diagrams in seconds,
increasing the productivity in a 79%
The work of 8 hours, can be done in only 2. We have created a full
review of the feature request in video.

The video is available in Youtube here:

Please, feel free to download the video, or share the link.

It is hidding, so only people knowing the link, can see it.
It is fully documented, and in High Definition (720p), so you can see it
The video is in English, but you can also understand the feature,
watching the video.
If someone would like to start a team to implement this feature, it
would be great.
This feature never have seen before in "Office" type packages.
Since a programmer's point of view, it should be easy to create it:
Basically, you only need to create a window, with 2 or 3 already
toolbars existing in Draw, allow a simle data entry box, read the data
entry, searching for the commas (,) as separators for the words,
converting those words in metatags or simply tags, and then, flowchart
all those words, creating automatically the flowchart.
Please, better watch the video, because you will see perfectly how the
feature works.


PS. This feature has an important application for large corporations,
researchers and universities, because allow to create very large
diagrams, only typing text in a command line. Type, press Intro,
flowchart. As easy as that.
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