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Ilmari Lauhakangas kirjoitti 7.3.2020 klo 18.52:
Mike Saunders kirjoitti 7.3.2020 klo 17.03:

On 07/03/2020 13:47, Florian Effenberger wrote:

Gabriele Ponzo wrote:
I'm never satisfied! :D

Would it be possible to anchor the "See how donations helped us in
2018" box to "While you are downloading, please consider supporting
LibreOffice with a donation" header? (instead of the new "or you may
also want to donate your time")

Just because our new section could and should have contributed to fill
the huge white space at the end of the page :)
Please let me know if it's feasibleĀ or not.
Sorry for bothering, and thanks for reading.

Mike, is this something you can look into?

What Gabriele describes is exactly how it was, before someone else made
the recent changes:

Now, I don't know what changes were made; I've had a look around but
can't work it out from the SilverStripe admin interface. Instead of me
trying to reverse engineer someone else's changes (and I can't work out
what's going on in the SilverStripe templates), if whoever made the
changes can say exactly what they did, then we can try to revert it and
fix it... Otherwise I'm just stabbing completely in the dark :-)

I made the change, but I don't know how the grid framework used on the site works.

The old one had divs

"row col-sm-8 margin-20"
"col-sm-4 margin-20"

Which made the two elements side by side, because it was an easy peasy layout situation.

Now, to get what we want, we would have to have two rows for donating money and time and then the right-hand column "See how donations helped us in 2018" spanning the two rows down.

I just don't how what classes to throw in the elements to make the magic happen.

Quick follow-up: now I get it, the grid system used is Bootstrap and our site uses the classes sometimes in a confusing way.

Attached is a new version of the template that should work (I tested on a locally-saved html, so hopefully did not make any typos or thinkos in the .ss template).

Now the structure is

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-8 margin-20">
    <div class="row margin-20">
      (Donation form, accordion...)
    <div class="row margin-20">
      (Donate time...)
  <div class="col-sm-4 margin-20">
    (See how donations helped us...)

So the whole thing in a single row element, first column nests two rows.


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