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I'm never satisfied! :D

Would it be possible to anchor the "See how donations helped us in 2018"
box to "While you are downloading, please consider supporting LibreOffice
with a donation" header? (instead of the new "or you may also want to
donate your time")

Just because our new section could and should have contributed to fill the
huge white space at the end of the page :)
Please let me know if it's feasible or not.
Sorry for bothering, and thanks for reading.
Gabriele Ponzo, Chairman of the Membership Committee
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Il giorno ven 21 feb 2020 alle ore 11:18 Florian Effenberger <> ha scritto:


sophi wrote:
It would be via Weblate, the string is not accessible through the site
from what I see.

can you take care of it with Cloph? :)

Merci bien!

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