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*** vedo un errore al punto 20. in originale inglese.

diego maniacco

On 05/10/17 00:10, Luca Daghino @ Libero wrote:
Ciao ragazze/i! :)

Chi ha voglia di tradurre i sottotitoli per questo video?

Gabriele? :)

Io mi offro per la revisione.

Ciaoooo!  :)

-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto:     [libreoffice-l10n] Video script for translation: Become a member of TDF
Data:     Wed, 4 Oct 2017 16:59:51 +0200
Mittente:     Mike Saunders <>
A:     Localization list <>

Hi everyone,

We've made a new video, encouraging people in the LibreOffice community
to become members of The Document Foundation:

I've added English subtitles, and put them on the wiki as usual, in case
anyone wants to add a translation:

Thanks in advance!

| Diego Maniacco (Südtiroler Informatik AG - Informatica Alto Adige SpA)
| Tel +39 0471 566 159

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