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Salve ragazzi, per caso avete avuto modo di provare Zanata Translation

Lo proposi tempo fa, probabilmente di persona, ma come potete notare (di
seguito) Ani Peter, la ragazza indiana che lo presentò ad Aarhus, chiede
info sulla sua adozione o meno.

Forse sarebbe utile un tool per importare le memorie di traduzione da
OmegaT in Zanata?

Attendo vs. feedback, e scusate se nono riesco ancora a contribuire come
vorrei, spero di riuscire prima o poi.
Gabriele Ponzo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: GPS di Gabriele Ponzo <>
Date: 2016-04-19 14:08 GMT+02:00
Subject: Re: Zanata Translation Management System
To: Sophie <>
Cc: Ani Peter <>, "" <>,

Thanks dear Ani, sure I remember our chat in Aarhus and I hope you are fine
About Zanata, I've been suggesting it to italian NLP for Documentation

I'll have to gather info about that: if they have been considering and
trying that solution and in that case what do they think about it.

In theory I'd be also a member of italian NLP, but I still can't commit in
that because of my job and other TDF volunteering (MC), so I couldn't do
pressing on that idea.

I'll let you know as soon as I'll have more info, but hopefully other
people among recipients may have further info.

Gabriele Ponzo
GPS - Terni

2016-04-19 14:06 GMT+02:00 Sophie <>:

Hi Ani,
Le 19/04/2016 06:35, Ani Peter a écrit :
Dear All,

How are you all doing? Hope this mail finds you all in good health.
Hope you all remember Zanata Translation System that I have introduced
during our last conference and the discussions we had. There are many new
changes presently making the system more robust and awesome tool.

This is a very interesting system and thanks for the update.

Please could you tell me if there is any chance to take this project
forward and will Libreoffice be interested to explore this option to move
to Zanata.

Concerning localization, our main tool for translation is Pootle and
will remain Pootle. TDF has invested in its development to answer the
l10n team needs and will continue to support. It also suits the
different conversions done on the .po files. However, we do not force
people to work on Pootle, it's just more convenient for the general
workflow (update of template, update of the wiki help, extraction from
and to the code). This is for l10n.

For translation of documentation, I would be very interested to test it
and see how it fits the need there. The process with OmegaT project
answers most of them but Zanata could be proposed in parallel. I've
added to my agenda to test it next week. I'll come back to you as soon
as possible with my feedback.


Sophie Gautier
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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