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Ciao a tutti

posto qui in lista localizzazione, ma si potrebbe anche pubblicare in lista 
utenti generale.

C'è qualcuno interessato a questo tipo di lavoro?

Non è un lavoro da poco, è molto utile e contribuirebbe ad alzare la qualità 
di LibreOffice in italiano.

---------  Messaggio inoltrato  ---------

Oggetto: [libreoffice-l10n] Askbot for LibreOffice in your language
Data: giovedì 3 ottobre 2013, 10:27:03
Da: Olivier Hallot <>
A:, LibreOffice-l10n <>, 
LibreOffice, website <>

Hi Community (cross-posting on purpose)

We are in position to deploy AskBot for LibreOffice (AB4LO) in many

Those individuals interested to moderate the Askbot for LibreOffice in
his own language are invited to step forward.

(We will not deploy an AB4LO instance without at least one moderator.)

My experience as moderator for AB4LO in pt-BR is less than 5 minutes
/day, and the rate of new questions is about 2 new question/days and 2
new answers/day. Your mileage may vary, depending on how active is your
national/language community. As example, you can check the pt-BR site at

Note: I had to complete the translation of the AB4LO web interface
myself. I had to get a login in transifex and finish the job. Other
languages are in incomplete state too. The list of available languages
is at this link:

You may coordinate with your translator to get it completed.

Why AskBot ?

* There were several demands to deploy means of community
intercommunication other than mailing list.

* To get help thru mailing list, the process is to subscribe/confirm
subscription/write mail to ask/wait response/get flood of unwanted other
messages/unsubscribe/confirm unsubscription. This is too much 1990'ish.

* AB4LO allows you to quickly ask for help, and get responses from your
community. Unlike forums, AB4LO is aimed to establish a knowledge base
on LibreOffice in your language and provides tools to search for a given
subject quickly.

* AB4LO is not suited to debates and discussions. Prefer the mailing
lists for that purpose.

* Askbot also allows you to login thru your OpenId credentials, such as
Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc... Chances are that your users will use
it frequently.

* You also don't get e-mails unless you ask for in your profile.

*My experience with AB4LO in pt-BR*

As I said, I get 5 minute work as moderator. Most of the job is to edit
the question and put in a format of a question seeking answers. I also
narrow the tags for a better search. Sometimes people put Basic code in
the details and I care to have it well rendered with the internal AB4LO
editor tool.

I had to close some questions on subjects unrelated to LibreOffice.
Almost no spam so far.

Some answers had to be demoted to comment and some comments had to be
promoted to answer.

The kind of questions asked has a good indication on the difficulties
users have with LO and tells a lot about the user and the community.

As moderator, you are not obliged to answers users questions.

We strongly advertize Askbot for LibreOffice in many of our local

So, what are you waiting for? Get AB4LO now!!!

Kind regards

Olivier Hallot
Founder, Board of Directors Member - The Document Foundation


Open Source is better!

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