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Hi August

Thank you for your report.

I fixed the issue (and it also affects AVERAGEIFS and more). It will be available in the next release in August 2025.

You are welcome to help us in fixing our Help contents. In an evolving environment the Help needs continuous update.

To start, please have a look at this page

And contact the team (as indicated) if you want to join our working team. It is know that all new volunteers needs a ramp-up period to get skilled in Help editing, and at the end, it pays and it's fun.

Kind regards

On 2/19/25 23:37, August wrote:
In the SUMIFS doc page:

in the sample syntax line directly under the Syntax heading, it currently

SUMIFS(Func_Range; Range1; Criterion[; Range2; Criterion2][; … ; [Range127;

Instead of "Criterion" it should say "Criterion1" to correspond to the
"Range1" argument, i.e.:

SUMIFS(Func_Range; Range1; Criterion1[; Range2; Criterion2][; … ;
[Range127; Criterion127]])

While not seriously confusing, it is inconsistent.


Also, I would be willing to go in and fix this myself, if I knew where and
how and had permission. I can't make large or long commitments, but I would
like to help and I have 40 years of experience at creating, editing, and
publishing technical documentation.

Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00
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