Hi August,
Thanks a lot for your feedback and your will to help. The documentation
team has its forum here:
Please, post your comments on the forum, the website@ list is dedicated
to issue with the websites.
Kind regards
Le 20/02/2025 à 03:37, August a écrit :
In the SUMIFS doc page:
in the sample syntax line directly under the Syntax heading, it currently
SUMIFS(Func_Range; Range1; Criterion[; Range2; Criterion2][; … ; [Range127;
Instead of "Criterion" it should say "Criterion1" to correspond to the
"Range1" argument, i.e.:
SUMIFS(Func_Range; Range1; Criterion1[; Range2; Criterion2][; … ;
[Range127; Criterion127]])
While not seriously confusing, it is inconsistent.
Also, I would be willing to go in and fix this myself, if I knew where and
how and had permission. I can't make large or long commitments, but I would
like to help and I have 40 years of experience at creating, editing, and
publishing technical documentation.
Sophie Gautier sophi@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: soph
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