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On Mon, 24 Aug 2020 at 17:28:26 +0200, Dennis Roczek wrote:
FTW I count 33 queued messages (not necessarily ML posts, might
also include subscription requests etc.) from 13 different senders
from Nabble in the past month.  In contrast we've archived over 1700
Because Alain just in this moment had a problem with sending a mail
(hence requesting more rights by contacting an administrator): most
"forums" / mailing lists are nether than less read only for mostly

Hence the low count of messages... :-(
While I agree having a better way to post from a web browser would
certainly increase the message count, I can't foresee by how much.  And
the demand for this definitely not uniform across lists: we have closed
lists like announce@ were it doesn't make sense, dev/qa/infra-oriented
lists where the demand is likely (own gut feeling) low, and other lists
like discuss@ and users@ where it probably makes more sense.  (Of the 33
nabble submissions mentioned previously, I count 15 to users@, 11 to
doc@ and 7 to discus@ — incl. 6 subscription requests and also counting
the localized lists.)

Once we have agreed on which Q&A / discussion platform to adopt we can
consider (assuming its email feature is sensible, which appears to be
the case for Discourse) ditching some lists and using said platform
instead.  (Sounds less hackish than plain bridging to me.)  We don't
need a “one-size fits all” solution for our communication channels, but
I'd much rather rebalance them over services we already have than
switching over to yet another new tool and start yet another migration.


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