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Þann mið 18.apr 2018 15:20, skrifaði Guilhem Moulin:
Hi Sveinn,

On Wed, 18 Apr 2018 at 12:36:50 +0000, Sveinn í Felli wrote:
Was just checking out the new Nextclud instance at
<> and saw that there's a first
time splash-screen with some borked HTML-code (at least in my localized
version). I have not been able to find this text in any of my translation
files (LO & Nextcloud), so I guess it comes from the person setting up the

It's been reported, but given that the splashscreen is only visible the
first time you login, fixing it fairly low on our list…  Can't find a
Redmine ticket for it though; feel free to file one so we don't
completely forget about it :-)

Done: <>

Anyway, I'd think this text "Impressum | Privacy Policy" ought to be

No technical objection, but AFAIK for legal reasons we can't.

Normally there are legal reasons for not translating the *contents* of those, there are several occurences of the titles/headers being translated ;-)

Sveinn í Felli


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