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1. Guilhem
2. Norbert
3. Brett (cysall)
4. Cloph

 * GlusterFS / KVM / QEMU bottleneck update
   - ext4 vs XFS: the latter improves speed during the initial MySQL import
   - also experienced disk corruption with cache=none,aio=native and
     full preallocation
 * Pootle: upstream currently maintains our instance on AWS, what's
   + needs to be salted
   + docker containers don't play well with our setup (currently
     elastic, MySQL, etc are additionally split accross multiple EC2
   + cloph brought that up during the call yesterday, users don't seem
     to notice the perf gain
   + let's talk to Pootle upstream to decide where and when to migrate
     the instances
 * Walk through Redmine tickets
   + rdm#2013: is throughput a bottleneck?
     - AI guilhem follow up on the ticket
   + rdm#1476: "web management for VMs" do we really want to expose the
     libvirt stack to a webserver?
     - close it: no need for pretty graphs (we have graphana) nor
       migrations (we have norbert's tools)
   + rdm#2145: Bugzilla (and ask) gateway timeouts, more agressive
     VACUUM could help
 * Norbert: need a Mikrotik router (similar to Gustl) to deploy a VPN at
   his company for the mac slave and release bots
 * Berta: what's up with the disks? AI guilhem
 * Berta: clone the gerrit repos for easier salt deployment (AI Norbert)
   Guilhem wants to the same for other unpackaged software (mediawiki,
   moodle, etc)
 * Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS ends in April 2017, need to migrate ASAP
   - Norbert: gerrit (vm148) to be be migrated to (vm178)
     + have an update path for Gerrit itself, need to figure out what to
       do with the other services
   - kermit (rdm#824):
     + DONE → vm151 (along with YOURLS)
     + TESTING, → vm189
       (upgrade to mediawiki 1.28.0)
     + → local disk image (no gluster) for
       perf reasons
     + → redirect to, move to
       vm151 (along with YOURLS)
     + → static files (generated by CI), move to
       vm142 (dev-downloads)
     + → (wordpress) ask floeff or check the
       access log to see if it's used at all
     +→ is it used? (empty dir, 403)
     + → is it used? (empty dir, 403) →
       forward to the registration page on the tdf site
     + → is it used? (empty dir, 403)
     + → integrate with our nextcloud
       instance (vm180)
     + → move to a separate VM
     + → migrate to vm161 (blog)
     + → do a DB dump and merge with vm136
     + → used as workaround/dirty hack, to
       not trigger error messages in extensions' update-check
       → move to extensions (vm179)
     + → (silverstripe) discontinued, take a static
       export and host on vm168
     + old libocon sites (/2012, /2013, /talks) → static exports, can host on silverstripe host
     + → new VM, separate Plone instances?
     + → (mediawiki) TDF provides hosting, should be
       preserved; norbert: best if hosted on a separate VM
   - bilbo2 (rdm#825): mirrorbrain OK (already used on vm186 and vm185,
     for stand-in and archive respectively), for the lists archives we
     need to ensure that no mail is lost etc
     + norbert wants to know if downloads.lo move to update the counter
     + mirrorbrain shouldn't be moved to manitu for better availablity
       in case the datahall has connectivity issues
     + rdm#2013 isn't really a blocker then
     + need to have a fallback for download outside of manitu infra
       (low-spec standin in case of catastrophic failures)
   - pumbaa (rdm#1477): floeff takes care of this one
 * LDAP/SSO: no update since FOSDEM :-(
 * Brett: can do some of the site migrations from kermit, need an
   export dump and a VM to start with

Next meeting: Tue March 21 17:30 UTC


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