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Hi Martin, *,

On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Martin Srebotnjak <> wrote:

I am finishing up the new Slovenian site, but before the move from the old
one I have some questions:
- will the issue with East European (Latin Slavic) characters in the
designer font be solved, and when (č represented in another font)?

I could make it include the font that contains the characters, but
then some user might run into the problem of some characters not
showing up.

so far only reports that it occurs for some users, but no way to
actually reproduce/what is the exact circumstances that must be met to
run into the problem.

- how do I localize the 4 buttons on the Fresh/Stable pages, they are not
present to localize, so they remain in English (System Requirements, Join
the project!, Do more with LibreOffice, Good looking documents)?

Seems I forgot to update the templates in pootle - will do that later today.

- can the Privacy Policy and Imprint be left in English/German?

Yes, and should be left that way. binding is the German one, English
is just FYI.

Should we hide it from the localize About us menu?

What you display/hide is up to you, but when it is not listed on the
english site, it's an indication that's not finished/work in progress
or just an oversight...

- I cannot seem to be able to add the Slovenian twitter account to tweets
section instead of the English one, maybe this is related to my account's
rights? I asked Christian, but got no response until now.

Oh, I always give the same response re twitter: to get info about
inclusion of twitter/using their api/widgets, you need to be a
So to include other twitter or for that matter other social media
platfoms (esp. for Chinese, where it was a topic last time), I'd like
to have the technical docu.


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