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no that is not normal. Can you give me your user name (I want to check if you run in any existing abuse/spam filter) and maybe if you still know a) which page you wanted to edit (I remeber that there are multiple QA member pages) and b) what you wanted to change...


Dennis Roczek

Am 03.06.2014 14:59, schrieb Alexander Thurgood:

Is there something I'm not doing right, or is entering changes to the
wiki a right, royal PITA ?

I ask this because I recently tried to add my name to the QA team table.
I tried last night and this morning to no avail.

Each time I make a change, I click on save. If I'm uncertain how it will
look, I click on Preview before clicking on save.

When I click on save, I get asked a trivial, but nonetheless, irritating
question. However, the question doesn't appear as a popup or near where
I have been changing the page, but at the top, and Firefox doesn't
automatically scroll back up after loading. This means that it is not
immediately obvious I'm being asked a question.

I answer the question, and then press enter, the page appears to reload
but presents me with another question to answer. Which I do and the page
reloads again.

Is this normal ?

Additionally, I get told that I haven't added a comment, but if I click
on save again, my changes will get pushed anyway. So I click on save.

Lo and behold, the page reloads, and I get yet another question -
arrggghh !!

Surely, this can't be normal ?

If I add a comment, and click on save, I get asked yet another question.
If I answer this question correctly, the page finally gets saved and I
can see my new changes in the normal web page view.

Please don't tell me that this is normal.


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