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Hi Florian

Florian Effenberger wrote
Some languages are completely out of alphabetic order (e.g. German is the
third language between the A letter; Kashmiri is between letters B and C;
Arabic is the last item even after Z; etc) and there seem to be some

hm, I can't confirm this, I just had a look at the site. Anyone else 
seeing the wrong behaviour?

Apparently someone managed to fix this. The first time I loaded it today
some languages were still out of order but when I loaded in another browser
(IE) it was already fixed (reloading the page in FF confirmed that it was
not a browser issue).

Florian Effenberger wrote
Finally, why are some languages in lower case while others have capital
letters? I don't know the conventions for other countries but in
the word Português referring to the language is capitalized.

To me, all languages except the last three ones you are mentioning are 
in capital letters?

Maybe in my question it wasn't clear that I was referring to the name in the
original language (although the example should help)
In my browser(s) the word after Portuguese is "português" and should be
"Português". The same probably applies to many other languages.


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