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          Priority: medium
            Bug ID: 68136
           Summary: BUGZILLAASSISTANT: please clearly ask whether new bug
                    or additional information to existing one
          Severity: normal
    Classification: Unclassified
                OS: All
          Hardware: Other
        Whiteboard: BSA
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
           Version: Master
         Component: WWW
           Product: LibreOffice

Problem description: 

I have now several times had users that go through BSA multiple times for the
same problem, giving each time new information with a vague referral like "this
is a followup to my previous report". This makes the information rather
dispersed on bugzilla, hard to collate, etc.

Please consider enhancing BSA, for example along those lines:

1. Clearly ask the user to choose between

     a) report a problem
     b) give additional information to an existing problem report

If "b" is chosen, at minimum send them to bugzilla, ideally already logged in
(since you already have their username & password). Better: send them to the
search of the bugs they reported, ordered purely by bug id (that is, date/time
of creation). I'd include *all* their bugs, including resolved/fixed, etc.
Variant: all bugs that they have reported or they are CC (which happens
"against their will" when their bug is closed as DUPLICATE) or they have

You can do a small interstitial lecture "to follow-up to existing issue, you
can go directly to bugzilla".

You could consider BSA hand-holding the user for the follow-up; help find the
right bug (suggest ones reported by user / user is CC, ask for a subject and
then use same algorithm as "related bug reports", ...), and then use "long
description and "optionally, you can attach (...)" for the followup.

I'll let you judge whether the followup-hand-holding is worth the effort / a
good idea, but please at a minimum ask the question and refuse to file a new
bug report if it is answered by "give additional information".
Operating System: All
Version: Master

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