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On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 5:56 AM, Florian Effenberger
<> wrote:

Jonathan Aquilina wrote on 2013-02-16 14:08:

Robinson I think at this point, I am curious  Florian would it be possible
to get a vm setup for us to gibe Robinson and his team that did the sites
platform to test various software for various graphics etc

at the moment, I would prefer if I can finalize the migration and other
high-priority tasks, before handing out new VMs. Otherwise, I'll never
manage to finish those important, pending tasks. So, if anyone wants to test
out new services, for the moment, best would be to host them somewhere else,
or locally.

It shouldn't take for too long until we can shutdown the old kermit and have
some more cycles free, but at the moment, it's not good timing. :)

Hi all,

It's been exactly 1 month (no, I didn't plan that!) since we last
chatted about a repository for non-code assets, so I figured it was
time to resurrect this thread and check-in with everyone :-)

Florian -- How are we doing with the migration and other high-priority
tasks? Do you have a guesstimate as to when we could get a VM for

Jonathan -- Still on board to help run these tests?

Everyone else -- Are you ready to help test? :-)

-- Robinson "O'Tryon",
Wishing you all a fun-filled St. Patrick's Day!

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