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I would like to inform you about an error and some inconveniences I
found in . I
subscribed to this maillist only to report them, and I will unsubscribe
when they are solved.

The error is the appearance of "[sitetree_link id=268]" under the "Can I
hack LibreOffice?" question. It doesn't appear in the complete answer,
which has the correct link rendering.

Other errors/inconveniences are in the text under the "Is LibreOffice
really free?" question: (1) it confuses "Free" and "Gratis" (see, e.g., ) and (2) it ends with "Not
now,...", probably giving the reader the wrong impression that it could
be non-Free (or non-gratis, preserved the preceding mistake) somewhere
in the future.

Thanks for LibreOffice (website),
Gustavo Manzochi

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