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Hello *,
Any administrator can publish the following page? (at the moment this page points, uncorrectly, to )

The page is ready; 2 things must be done yet:

   * in the payment box ($DonateCombined box) english words must be
     replaced with italian ones as follows:

           Select one of the default values - Selezionate uno degli
           importi predefiniti

           Or enter a custom amount and currency
           (only those marked with * are also available via PayPal) -

           Oppure indicate un importo personalizzato ed una valuta

           (solo quelle recanti un * sono disponibili tramite PayPal)


           Donate via credit card -

           Dona tramite carta di credito

           Donate via PayPal

           Dona tramite PayPal

           If above sentences are too long for buttons, it's also
           possible to use the word "con" instead of "tramite"

           Dona con carta di credito

           Dona con PayPal
   * Replace the english word "Start" with "Inizio"

Last but not least... put a link to the italian page in the page.
Thank you
cico :)

Icq/Licq/Gaim #175451007
Debian Powered Linux Registered User #310800 at
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