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We'll need to show the discuss list the proposed forums rules. The discuss
group is where we all discuss matters about the project and where we, as a
groups, will reach a consensus.

If you get a page ready, the co-coordinators can take a look before taking
it to the discuss list so that everyone can have a say.



Oh just for rules, yes I can do that. I'm going to compare a few (Ubuntu
forums, Linux Forums, KDE Forums) and see where the similarities are and
where they are different. Added to my to-do, I've tentatively set my
calendar to next Friday to have it complete.

If there is anything else that needs done, feel free to ask and I'll see if
I can take care of it. I posted on the doodle thing about a meeting, I'd
like to have one but I know that me being in the states is an issue for
timing. Let's try to get a meeting together in the next 2 weeks.

Best Regards,

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