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Mas wrote on 2012-09-11 16:13:
I can offer direct access to the zone for now. In the future it may be
better to allow you direct access and axfr . The way I have the server
configured at the moment is you will need to create the zone on the master.
The master will then create a secondary record on our secondary via the
datacenter internal network. . I believe this will work great as your
primary or secondary solution.

  I am showing you have 3 nameservers setup for You can use
our cluster for ns4 and ns5 or as the primary ns1 , ns2 . I can assist with
adding the zones initially and provide access to those who need it.

We are running Bind as the DNS Service under CentOS and Ubuntu .

thank you very much again for this kind offer! So, I checked with our current ISP hosting our DNS, and sadly, they do not offer zone transfers. Since I plan to host the primary DNS ourself soon, this wouldn't be too much a problem, since they can always transfer from our DNS then, and so could you.

Is it complicated for you to give us direct zone access? If so, I propose we'll wait until I have migrated the DNS to our own infrastructure, and then we just do zone transfers. Otherwise, feel free to send me the required credentials offlist, and I'll have a look. :)


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