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Jay Lozier wrote on 2012-08-31 20:55:

I just looked at the donation page. It is appear right justified and
IMHO opinion it would look better if it is centered or left justified.
(Browser Opera latest stable version/Ubuntu 12.04).

can you upload a screenshot somewhere? It should be left justified, probably this effect only occurs in Opera?

How difficult is it to add geographical awareness and have the default
currency shown be based on user IP address? It showed EUR not USD for a
US IP address. Some might not notice the default currency and assume it
is their local currency. I noticed very easily the default currency.
Donating 10 EUR instead of 10 USD is not an issue for me; it is about 12
- 13 USD depending on exact exchange rate.

That's indeed a good point - I don't know if that's so easily possible. What can be done, of course, is to add a currency selector, but I am not aware of any ready-to-use autodetection mechanism. One would have to use GeoIP modules to autodetect, I guess...


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