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Hi Drew, Alex, *,

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 9:22 PM, drew <> wrote:
On Wed, 2012-01-04 at 20:45 +0100, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 5:17 AM, Jongha Kim <> wrote:

Is Askbot website URL , right?
I tried to translate 3~4 words(in Askbot/LC_MESSAGES) in English to in
Korean in main page.
But I can't see any translated words, only some chinese words are

In addition to the mentioned problem with caching results, there is
now an additional problem with the po-files on the server. For some
reason many, many entries have been commented out in the po-files and
thus are not active/visible.


So no problem on your side, but a problem in jinja (that's the name of
the template-engine)

See also
"Askbot: Caching problem (mixed up translations)"

Well, I wonder what people think about taking the path then to open up
first in a single language, English, and then when it can worked out
with the jinja project making the change the full NL support?

We don't need for jinja supporting it - we can use copy'n'paste
instead and inline the macros to the pages itself. While from a
technical point this is not so nice and less flexible, it has the
benefit of not needing to browse 20 files when you want to fix a error
on the page.

@alex: I fixed the
skins/common/templates/question/question_author_info.html accordingly
for a start. But due to the abovementioned problem with the po-files,
I only fixed and tr po file, so set your browser to turkish and see
"asked at" correctly translated to turkish, switch batch to english →
it is english again.

The snippet only referst to the creator and updater & answer-provider
boxes (but as I only fixed the msgid "asked", only effect is "asked"

I suppose the real question is how long it might take to update the
chaching code and if would be that much more work to do this in two
steps, would and Alex would be the ones with the knowledge there.

It isn't really much work, it is rather boring - I now wanted to look
at it, but with basically all relevant translations being disabled due
to the bad po-file update, it is impossible to tell what parts of the
page don't work because caching (and thus need fixing), and what parts
are in english just because the translations are missing/commented-out
(the strings in the po files are all commented out with #~ at start of line)

But if it's not a lot of extra work and it wouldn't be an expected long
delay then I would think a mono-lingual opening day isn't all that large
an issue.

It is not a long delay, two or three days (and some later iterations
for parts that were not discovered)

so @alex: please
restore the po files.
I turned the "ru" language into a testbed by creating a rot13 version
of the english one to be able to test tomorrow, unfortunately this
also applied rot13 to the variables, so don't wonder if you get a
debug-output because of bad variable identifier.


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