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Hi Cor,

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Cor Nouws <> wrote:
Currently we prepare some bug-hunting activity to make version 3.5.0 a great

One thing that would be wonderful, is if l10n teams can easily put a button
on their web pages.
What is easily? Send it to the admins to have it added? If that is
easy enough, mail me your button.
(I assume you're talking about placing an icon in the header, as there
should be no problem to put a button in the regula page content)

So that it links to a wiki with information how to step in.

Looking at the nice download button on many pages, and having understood
that it comes from the css, I wonder if it could be possible to have similar
one for bug-hunting?
Ah, so you're talking about in-page buttons. So sure - if you have the
css you want, send it to me and I'll add it globally, but in the
meantime you can add the style manually. <elemtent style="<your style
definitions here">...</element>

Someone willing to help with that?
(Or maybe there already is one, but didn't I notice it?)
There aren't many styles yet - A couple are listed here: and
apart from those, there aren't really other ones (yet at least)

So summary: If you send me corresponding css, I'll add it to the
global css files, so it can be used from the tinymce editor dropdown.


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