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Hi Mas, *

Am 10.11.2011 04:41, schrieb Mas/_gemini:
The areas I can possibly help with would be Server Maintenance, Site
maintenance(php,html,css) and Bug triage(QA).  I am familiar with Graphics
but its not something I really enjoy doing. I have not used silverstrip but
I downloaded it and will be reviewing their code. I mostly code using the
Code Igniter . Helping with documentation could be a option also.
Let me know your thoughts.
The choice is yours, Christian already pointed out what 'we' in concern 
of cms + websites would need or 'like to get'.

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Christian Lohmaier<
But currently we're looking for someone to implement the downloadpage
proposal into html+css so it can be added to silverstripe.
See the mockups here:
For this, you'd know html and css.
If you feel like getting in touch with the designers
and related   :-)

If you know php, then one could work in extending the CMS to make it
more comfortable for the native-lang admins. What they keep requesting
(and where I always reply that I'm going to add it - sorry for still
not bringing my ass up to it) would be a way for them to at least see
the list of members on their subsite (and then as extension of that to
be able to add members themselves, instead of having to post here and
have site-admins add them). (we use silverstripe as CMS, so if you're
willing to dig into creating this management view, then you're more
than welcome)

Another php and page-templated related item is to add the possibility
for the NL-sites to include their own twitter and planet feeds on the
How many more hints do you need for a start ?   ;-)

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