Hi Charles, Florian,
Am 07.07.2011 20:44, schrieb Charles-H. Schulz:
What we need is the following:
simple registration:
- Name, Surname, email (plus a captcha)
- 2 additional check boxes:
"Will you attend the Cap Digital Cocktail on the
12th of October?" (Yes/No)
"Will you attend the LibreOffice Party at the
Région Ile de France on the 13th of
October?" (Yes/No)
- we should subscribe automatically the people to an announce list for
one or two specific announces or in case of issue.
Am 08.07.2011 10:02, schrieb Florian Effenberger:
I would send them a confirmation e-mail, telling that they should
subscribe to announce@tdf - that's the main list where we should send
out news.
I mentioned it on the confirmation page following the submit in the
first place but should be added to the email sent also.
Is something missing?
Yes, a recipient's address ;-) I've added Florian and you for now.
Is it possible to implement the registration above?
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