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2011/6/2 Marc Paré <>:
Le 2011-06-02 14:17, ol klaus-jürgen weghorn a écrit :

We also need to think as far as support. I don't think there has been a
decision on supporting 3.3.x for a set amount of time. Are security
updates applied to 3.3.x when applied to 3.4?

I am more worried about our support and "end of life" policy. I am not
sure I have seen any of this as this is our first real major upgrade
from our initial version release.
You are right. But we should put this point of discussion out of this
thread (maybe out of this list). It is too important for beeing hidden
behind "download pages for two versions". Would you open for this a new
Does anyone know if this policy exists?



I think this should be put to the devs as they are the people who will
decide if they will support previous versions of LibreOffice. Without their
support we will obvious not be able to maintain different versions or
branches of the suite. I really don't think we will have enough manpower to
maintain any more than one version. I'll put it on the dev.
If you look at the, you
can see that at any given point in time there is always a mature
product (currenty 3.3.2 soon 3.3.3), a new stable release with
features (currently 3.4.0) and the development branch. Critical
bugfixes are backported. Life span of a major release is about 8
months and these time ranges are overlapping.

Best regards,

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