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Hi Clio,

I´ve added you to the challenge publisher group.

Log in and choose Z Challenge from the dropdown on top of the admin site.
In the left panel choose English (US).

Choose the english page you want to translate and hit the tab Translations there.
Select Russian from the little language dropdown and press the button below.
Then you get a new page with both, the original contents and editable areas which you can translate.


Am 19.02.2011 15:03, schrieb Clio:
19.02.2011 09:53, Clio пишет:
Here is a translation to 5 pages on (Welcome, Why, Donate, Press
Rlease, Contact): (7 pages ODT file)
(the translation made by not me, but another person). Please, can you
submit it or tell us how can it be submitted?

Forgot to say, that the translation is Russian.

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