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On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:40 PM, Charles-H. Schulz
<> wrote:

The admins have run this since the beginning and I don't see why we should
host our website elsewhere. Now the website team has some people with admin
rights and that's how it works. It's actually the usual way to operate
elsewhere. What wouldyou suggest?
I am not suggesting changing anything as long as the website team has
the autonomy and authority to modify and improve our areas of
responsibility ourselves.
It was simply the suggestion that the Steering Committee would be kept
in the loop before the website team that seems disrespectful and
somewhat belittles the team.
Hence, the progress that David has made privately should be shared
with the website team as a whole to allow review and future
contributions from the whole team.

There are many people involved in this list who are keen to
contribute. Lets get them involved.
To do that, we need to be kept up to date with the Silverstripe site
progress and encourage collaboration, delegation and accountability.


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