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Hi David,

David Nelson schrieb:
Hi, :-)

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 18:08, Bernhard Dippold
<>  wrote:
IMHO, The left side menu is too narrow. Many menu items do not
fit properly.
Well you didn't really answer me about the above issue...
Your posting contained four statements:

1. IMHO, The left side menu is too narrow. Many menu items do not fit

2. The grays on green look Web 1.0.

3. Top-right corner needs a cut like the top menu, with menu items on
green directly.

4. Right edge of menu needs to match left edge.

I just wanted to tell you that the design related points have already been worked on.
must be a problem in German...
Probably (I can't see this as a language problem, but I'm not a native 
The necessary width of the left navigation bar depends on the length of 
the entries.
As your wording has not been published before, nobody knows how broad 
this area needs to be in your draft.
And I don't know either, if the navigation areas needs more or less 
space on the native-lang pages.
But, personally I find it really ugly
and impractical as it is...

Me too - discussing such topics when the structure of the website is 
ready might be easier...
I don't think that the width of the different areas have to be defined 
on every single page, so changing them shouldn't be hard afterwards.
Best regards


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