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In Libreoffice Writer, I am trying to make a document with bullets, but not
continuously. So I have some bullets, then some paragraphs or other text,
then more bullets. But I realized that whenever I turned bullets back on, it
was resetting the bullet style to the default. It became a hassle to have to
set the distance of the bullet from the left side, the amount of spacing
between the right side of the bullet and my text, etc. So I turned to "List
Styles" under "Styles and Formatting".

This is where my real problem started. I noticed that Libreoffice supports
up to 10 levels of bullet or number lists. I noticed that if I went to
Format --> Bullets and Numbering, I could set a different type of bullet for
each level under the "Options" tab. I just had to highlight "1", switch to
the "Bullets" tab, and pick the type of bullet I wanted. Then I could switch
back to the "Options" tab, highlight "2", switch to the "Bullets" tab, pick
another type of bullet (or even the same type of bullet as 1), and so on.

However, when I tried to do this which a list style, it didn't work. All I
could do was set the same type of bullet for 1-10, because whenever I
highlighted 1 and switched to the "Options" tab to choose a bullet, the 1
was deselected by the time I switched back to the "Options" tab.

This is getting very frustrating. If I can set a different type of bullet
for each level of bullet under Format --> Bullets and Numbering, why can't I
do the same when I make a custom list style to save time?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

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