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And the type of update you are asking for only works on the Windows

Unix/Linux platforms have a massive design flaw.  Decades ago, when we
had no memory, no disk, and no money, forcing everything to use shared
libraries rather than static link was a necessity.  Now, with LO and OO
written mostly in Java, shared JAR files are forced upon the application
as well as a forced minimum Java version.

When an update happens for a Linux platform, there are far too many
dependencies to have automatic updates.  What happens is the package
maintainers for each distro are notified.  They decide if it goes into
the updates which are automatically pushed out or in the next release of
the distro.  In many cases, due to a change in Java version, or some
other package needing a backleveled shared JAR or library, the release
has to wait for the next major release of the distro.

_If_ LO was a statically linked executable, it could be compiled and
released automatically for every platform because there would be no
dependencies torpedoing other applications from afar.

Windows doesn't much use or care about Java.  

On Mon, 2011-07-18 at 12:03 -0400, Paul W wrote:

Sorry, I dont' get what you're saying.
I just meant that when there's a new version available LO would notify the
user and give the user the option to or automatically download and install
any updates.

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 11:13 AM, lee <> wrote:

Paul W <> writes:

Does LibreOffice automatically update itself? If not that's a suggestion.

When there are new versions of packages available which are installed,
they'll be updated during an update, unless you prevent updating
particular packages or when packages cannot be updated because of
unresolved dependencies.  LO related packages aren't any different in
that, and they shouldn't be.

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