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"Zak McKracken" <> writes:

Am 07.06.2011, 11:23 Uhr, schrieb Tom Davies <>:

Hi :)
I thought Svg was in the 3.3.0 release and has been improved on in
releases?  Zak, have you had problems using Svg in LibreOffice?

As described further above, these are two different features we're
talking about.
Just try and make an SVG in Inkscape that uses blurring (or find one
on the internet -- the Wikipedia entry to "SVG" has some), and then
import it  into LO 3.4 and into OOo 3.4 beta. You'll see the

Like this one?

So if I understand you correctly, the blurred shadow is correctly
imported in OOo.

And here,

  LibreOffice 3.3.2 
  OOO330m19 (Build:202)
  tag libreoffice-

I get an unblurred arrow as the shadow.

Actually there was much confusion in the OOo Issue tracker about
this. Many feature requests for embedding were marked as duplicates of
the  conversion feature request, so it took all the way from 2003
until now to  finally not only sort it out but also implement it, and
I was waiting very  impatiently.


So it sounds like a good improvement, I wonder if it will be used in
LibO. (It should be [legally] possible, unless they've already changed
their license, right?)

I think there's a general problem with office software and vector
graphics (not just in Open/LibreOffice), and the only package that
gets it  completely right to my knowledge is LaTeX, even though that
works only for  EPS.

It is. Other examples: IIRC, MS Word (dunno about SVG support, but I
doubt it has any), apart from the Windows and Enhanced MetaFile formats,
only supports enhanced postscript, in the same way OOo and LibO do
(actual rendering is relayed to printing).

Someone trying to embed an EPS into MS Word:

A list of supported formats and their limitations (in MS Word):

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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