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Vit <> typed:
Dear LO users!
I've created  new document with the only text "Test_MSO"
inside it and saved as Test_MSO.odt in MS Office 2011,
that opened it in LO 3.3.2 on the same PC and saved as
Test_LO.odt. the sizes of the document is: Test_MSO.odt
4.22 Kb   Test_LO.odt 8.96 Kb.
Why is the difference so big?
I can imagine, that this is because supplementary info,
LO saves. But I've tried the same with bigger documents
and the difference is also ~1,5 times or more.  The files are here: - Test_MSO - Test_LO

With best regards, Victor

With that small/simiple a file, I suppose overhead must be responsble for LO 
being the larger file. IMO the proper test would have been to type in the 
text n both apps rather than using LO to open a Word created document. It's 
probably that process that caused the large difference in file sizes. Also, 
the text wasn't identical between the two files.

With normal file sizes though, LO is producing much smaller files than 
Word's equivalent. Here, I named the files My Test  .doc and .odt:

 The Word .doc file s 28k in size.
 The LO .odt fle is 9k.
    That's a pretty substantial difference, opposite to which file was 
larger in your test, and what I expected to find as opposed to your numbers.
    Opening the .doc file with LO results in a ,odt file of 11k, yet another 
difference and one which is going to be carrying the overhead of the 
conversion methods.

Each filename was the same; "My Test"
Each file contents was the same "My Test", placed at very beginning of each 
document. (28k .doc and 9k .odt)
The .doc opened and saved with LO as a ,odt gave yet a different number 
(less compressibility)(11k)
   I have to wonder if you didn't reverse the numbers you reported and/or 
don't have Word and LO set up the same. You also didn't mention any 
versions: I used Word 2k2 and LO 3.3.2 on XP Pro +.

LO, for one thing, saves files in compressed format and thus they would be 
expected to be smaller than a .doc file, which s not compressed. They're 
just plain .zip files in reality. You can open them wth winzip, in fact.



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