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ISTR seeing a wishlist of sorts regarding LibO development, but is there one anywhere for the 
product in general (from a user's viewpoint)? Someplace we can post desired features, changes, etc.?

One thing I would love to see is the use of a full-spectrum color selector widget instead of the 
pallette-based widget now used. Named palletted colors can certainly be useful in some instances 
(depending on target media, processes, etc.), but most of the time a full-spectrum selector is 
better. It's not like we're all still running 8-bit video systems primarily, anyway. Whether 
generally modeled after the Gnome widget, Windows, Qt or whatever, it would be nice to be able to 
pick exactly the color desired rather than something /close/ (or at least, without having to load 
lots of different pallettes). Plus, IMO in terms of end user perception, this makes LibO look dated.

Or have I missed a way to accomplish this?


Len Philpot - l e n @ p h i l p o t . o r g   (no spaces)
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