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On Jan 30, 2011, at 21:47 , Barbara Duprey wrote:

On 1/30/2011 6:35 AM, James Wilde wrote:
Sorry, no, Phil.  No-one can unsubscribe you.  Here's a suggestion:

Empty your mailbox of stuff from  Then unsubscribe from the address you 
believe you are subescribed under, which naturally enough is the one which receives the emails.  
There is normally only a few seconds' delay between sending your message and getting the reply 
to act on.  If you don't get one, check an incoming email and see if the address is the one you 
thought.  You might have another email address which you forward to your main address.

The address to send your mail to is at the bottom of this mail.  Clicking or right-clicking on 
that should open an email message to send.

No, that goes to users+help, not to (apparently to accommodate 
the differences for people who subscribed to the digest -- or used -nomail, in which case I have 
no idea why they'd bother to unsubscribe). Whoever is trying to unsubscribe will probably get 
there in the end, though. But if they don't know the subscribed address, they'll need to look at 
the Return-Path header and pick out the indirect form (using equals instead of at) of the 
subscribed address, and unsubscribe that.

Question to moderator/owner -- the help doesn't describe anything that uses the indirect form in 
the case of a subscribed address that is no longer directly accessible. Does that capability 
exist? How does it work, if so?

Thanks Barbara:

I didn't look at the bottom of the mail before sending my suggestion.  I hope there's a good reason 
why unsubscribers are told to send a message to users+help instead of instead of users+unsubscribe. 
 But at least Phil should have got a message back that he can read.

As to your question, I don't know the answer, and we'll have to wait for the owner.  I'm just a 


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