On 2025-03-09 09:22, wafer-dairy-rocket@duck.com wrote:
On 9. Mar 2025, at 13:54, LAP <mail1_at_lapiet.info> wrote:
On Sun, 09 Mar 2025 08:23:50 -0400 V Stuart Foote <vsfoote@libreoffice.org> wrote:
Long known issue, as limitation of legacy R/B/RI/BI font design and handling
[1] https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35538#61
There is a workaround given in Comment 54 of that thread which involves
using FontForge to edit the font.
Maybe this workaround can apply to the OP's problem.
Many thanks LAP! That workaround sounds promising. Yet I fail to understand why this bug has been
known for such a long time and could not yet be fixed.. 🤯
With respect: that sounds astonishing. Did you read the last few dozen comments (or Stuart's apt summary in
this thread: "... requires major refactoring of font handling, with risk to legacy documents and lack of
a consensus on what approach is best for ODF and OOXML interoperability--*cross platform*")? That bug
is an education in two non-trivial problems: font handling and Microsoft coexistence. Yes, it has taken time
to resolve, but with limited resources we are blessed to have such thoughtful considerations of the best way
Kind regards,
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