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Many thanks for this. I did try as you suggested, and in fact the result is: 
style:font-name="Roboto" fo:font-style="regular"


Is there any way I can fix this potential bug myself? It is not such a big deal really, just 
somewhat annoying…

Many thanks


Begin forwarded message:

From: LAP 
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Roboto (originally no subject)
Date: 9. March 2025 at 11:35:50 CET
To: "" 

On Sat, 08 Mar 2025 08:07:21 -0500 wrote:

Hello, I have an issue with LibreOffice Writer:

Under Format -> Character -> Font, when I select 
Family: Roboto
Typeface: Medium
Size: 11pt
Language: English (UK)

the font will show (and print) as Roboto Medium 11pt. So all is good.

However, when I save the document and then re-open it, the font no
longer shows as Medium but as Regular.

LibreOffice Writer files (.odt) are just a collection of XML files
and other files that have been "zipped" together.

Try to do the following.

1) Create a small Writer document, maybe one sentence, that is formatted
with Roboto Medium.

2) Save the file as "robo.odt" or whatever name you desire.  Save
into a temporary directory.

3) Then unzip the collection: unzip robo.odt

4) Among the unzipped files will be "content.xml."  Load this
file into a text editor or an XML editor and do a search for
the string "Roboto".  Associated with the second or third occurrence
of the string will be something like this:

style:font-name="Roboto" fo:font-style="medium"

If you do not see this or you see "regular" in place of "medium"
then LibreOffice is not saving correctly and it is possibly
a bug.

I don't have the Roboto fonts installed so I cannot test this
myself, but if you can then please report your findings.


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