On 6 Mar 2025 at 20:51, Daniel McGee wrote:
Date sent: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 20:51:27 +0000
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
From: Daniel McGee
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Downloading Libre
Office correctly?
Is there currently a problem downloading the Libre Office windows
Previously, I have managed to download the following version:
This previous version had a file size of 346 MB
However, when I went to repeat the process, just now, with the same
version, the installer is only 20MB.
I know for a fact, this doesn't work because I spent quite a while
trying to obtain the latest up to date version:
LibreOffice_25.2.1_Win_x86-64_sdk (1).msi
While these 20MB versions installed onto the SSD as found in add and
remove programs. The setup wizard, didn't provide the typical / custom
install options. Nor custom desktop item either.
The only thing that worked was the 346 MB download version. Now though,
when trying to download LibreOffice 24.8.5. (that version is also being
downloaded as 20MB,) also using the msi installer.
I hope this makes sense. Not sure if it's of further assistance at all
but I have copied and pasted what the properties say on the working one
Ideally, I would love to install the latest version, V25.2.1. However,
that's not happening for me due to the same issue mentioned above.
Just wanted to point all this out, as I don't know if I am experiencing
a bug or not. Tested with web browsers, Edge, Brave and Fire Fox. All
had same results. I.E. downloaded smaller file size, not the larger
which I think should be happening to achieve a complete install onto a
Windows Pc. Talking of which my current is Windows 11 Version 24H2 (OS
Build 26100.3194)
Any incites, would be most helpful.
I use a script to download the latest linux and windows versions.
The script to download windows version is test9hw.sh
wget2 -q -N $test
test=$test$(cat index.html | grep "25\." |cut -f2 -d\" | tail -n 1)win/x86_64/
rm index.html
echo $test
wget2 -q $test
testsub=$(grep "Win_x86-64.msi\|Win_x86-64_helppack_en-US.msi" <index.html | cut -f2 -d\" | tr ' '
rm index.html
echo $testsub
wget2 -q -N -B $test $testsub
That currently downloads the following files.
2945024 Feb 25 03:17
833 Feb 25 03:17
365469696 Feb 25 03:17 LibreOffice_25.2.1.2_Win_x86-64.msi
833 Feb 25 03:17 LibreOffice_25.2.1.2_Win_x86-64.msi.asc
The version for Linux is test9h.sh
wget2 -q -N $test
test=$test$(cat index.html | grep "25\." |cut -f2 -d\" | tail -n
rm index.html
echo $test
wget2 -q $test
gz" <index.html | cut -f2 -d\" | tr ' ' '\n')
rm index.html
echo $testsub
wget2 -q -N -B $test $testsub
It downloads these files
2610711 Feb 25 03:15
833 Feb 25 03:15
240295799 Feb 25 03:15
833 Feb 25 03:15
Sure script could be modified to work under windows.
Custom Details Previous Versions
Compatibility Digital Signatures Security
Type of file: Windows Installer Package (.msi)
Opens with: Windows® installer
Location: C:\Users\\Downloads
Size: 346 MB (363,819,008 bytes)
Size on disk: 346 MB (363,819,008 bytes)
Created: 21 February 2025, 13:23:38
Modified: 21 February 2025, 13:24:29
Accessed: 06 March 2025, 20:03:07
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Guam - Where America's Day Begins
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