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Brian -

I don't know how LibreOffice came to be installed on your computer. If it wasn't purposely 
installed by you or by someone else using your computer, it may be a virus masquerading as 
LibreOffice. Do you have antivirus software on your computer?

Is MS Office no longer installed on your computer?

What version of what operating system are you using?

(I'm cc'ing you because I don't know whether you are subscribed to the libreoffice-users mailing 
list. Please reply to the list, not to me directly. If you are subscribed, then I guess you saw the 
unhelpful and offensive reply from another user, for which I apologize.)

- Robert

From: Brian Winters <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 07:30
To: <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Question

I'm not sure how your program was installed on my personal computer but I
would like to uninstall it.  I went through the proper procedures yet just
before it was uninstalled an error message popped up stating that I did not
have permission to remove your program from my personal computer.  It
stated that I had to sign in as an administrator, however I was signed in
as an administrator.  I would appreciate it if you would allow me to go
back to MS Office since I paid for that program and did not give you
permission to install your software on my personal computer.

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